Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Launch

Today starts my blog about American laborers.  You might be wondering where I got the name Helitzer Blouse Girl.  My maiden name is Julie Helitzer (married name, Julie Shubin).  My grandfather, Meyer Helitzer, co-owned a blouse manufacturing business with his brothers – Helitzer Bros.  So that’s how I got the idea to use Helitzer Blouse Girl.    

Currently, I’m at a career cross-road (more about that in a future blog).  So, to move forward, I looked back.   I’ve always been intrigued by my grandfather’s blouse business.  And, I’ve always loved American Labor History, which I studied at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations.  While I’m looking for a job teaching American Labor History and Law, I thought I would write a modern American labor journal and blog about workers in America, businesses in America, and the labor issues that are so prevalent in the news today.     
Helitzer Bros. Blouse on my daughter Rachel's dress form.
Upcoming blog topics:  why I’m not teaching this semester; my personal labor diary; how we just bought a Helitzer Bros. blouse on Esty (now being displayed on my daughter Rachel’s dress form); more about Helitzer Bros. blouses, the Triangle Shirt Factory Fire (100th year anniversary); New Balance sneakers (only US company that still has a US factory); and features on working Americans and American businesses.


  1. Great day to launch the blog! I'm looking forward to reading this!

  2. Julie, I look forward to reading your posts and sharing them with others! I thought I'd share a post about the Triangle Shirt Factory Fire by the president of our local shul (who is also co-president of the Social Democrats, USA). I visited him today and our conversation turned to the many small factories that provided good jobs for so many for decades, one or two factories in seemingly each small Western PA town, and now there's only WalMart, if that.

    Enjoy your Labor Day!

  3. Thanks Laura. Bernadette, I would love to see the Triangle post.
